* WELCOME New Pioneer Families *
PTA membership drive & activities for the '24-25 year start in late August 
Kindergarten playdate info will be posted by early August

Thanks to all the volunteers who helped put on Field Day!
Poster colored by students during Field Day, June 2024

 ...and thank you to our Field Day event sponsor: 


PTA Nominating Committee is seeking volunteers to fill PTA positions for the
2024-25 school year, please see a full list of positions HERE
Teacher & Staff Appreciation lead, Walk N Roll lead & meet-up site hosts, Talent Show lead, DEI workgroup, Fundraising Committee, Hospitality Committee
Many positions can be shared or flexed for individual availability; 
new volunteers and program ideas are always welcome!
Email volunteer@pioneerpta.com with Qs or if you can help 


** TALENT SHOW now available on FlipGrid **

Log in with your student's __@students.osd.wednet.edu account) 


 Did you know our PTA has a volunteer Legislative Liaison?

The 2024 Legislative Session wrapped up - see advocacy updates here!



(Registration re-opens late August 2024)

Join the Pioneer PTA and/or Register for Pioneer PTA's Directory


Any family in the Pioneer Elementary community can join the Pioneer Student Directory! 

Click here to get started. You will need to log in to update your information for 2023-24, or create a MembershipToolkit account if new to Pioneer. You will be able to:

  1. Update the grade and teacher for your student(s).

  2. Verify your contact information is up-to-date

  3. Review your preferences about the directory, etc, so only the information you want shared is included in the password-protected directory. 

Please also take a few minutes to:


Follow us on social media!



Learn more about PTAs



Upcoming Events


Get the Membership Toolkit App!

Easily access the Pioneer Student Directory and PTA Calendar.

Download it today!

iTunes App Store Google Play Store

Scan Box Tops purchases!

Easily earn money for PTA by scanning eligible products with your mobile device. Download the app to get started.