The PTA is still seeking volunteers to fill positions for the 2024-25 school year! 

Contact volunteer@pioneerpta.com


Volunteers for events at the school need to have a current Volunteer Application completed with the Olympia School District each year - see application here.

PIONEER PTA position descriptions      

* = Executive Committee position (elected)           # = PTA Board position

🌙 = volunteer work can be done outside school hours / at flexible times


Book Fair: There are two book fairs per year during conference week – one in October and one in March. The PTA Volunteer coordinates with Pioneer librarian, who leads the book fairs. This is the library’s fundraising event to support the purchase of new books for the library and classrooms. [Commitment = 10 hours over 2 weeks, 2x/yearDuties include:            

  • Help set up and take down the book fair
  • Coordinating promotion of the book fair (outdoor signs, newsletter, website, social media, reader board).
  • Coordinating with Librarian and School Office staff to send book club packets home in student folders.
  • Create a sign up for volunteers at the cashier’s table and ensure shifts are covered.
  • Arranging for start-up cash to be available for the register; returning that start-up cash after the event.


Chess Club: The chess club is led by volunteers who teach the kids to play and supervise the games. Depending on volunteer availability and school needs, it can be offered as a recess alternative during school hours or as an after-school activity. {Last offered pre-pandemic; PTA has supplies} [Commitment = 1 hour/week, intermittent]


Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI): This committee helps plan events to promote DEI awareness inside and outside the classroom. Since 2023 the primary event is an annual Cultural Fair – involves event promotion, securing tri-fold presentation boards, and setting up in gym. The chair schedules meetings, prepares the agenda for the meetings, helps assist subcommittees as needed; serves as the point of contact with the PTA; and generally helps the DEI Committee meet its mission and yearly goals. In 2020-21 four subcommittees included Arts, Adult Education, Child Education, and Feeback. [Commitment = 1 hour/month for committee, 2-3 hours/month for chair]


Field Day: Field Day typically occurs the last Friday before school is out. This committee plans, organizes, sets up, manages, and takes down/cleans up after Field Day. Work includes determining the activities, obtaining supplies via donations or otherwise, advertising the event, coordinating volunteers for the day of the event, troubleshooting issues as they arise, distributing more candy and prizes to each activity coordinator than you can imagine will be needed but somehow gets distributed, and making sure fun is had by all. [Commitment = 2-5 hours/week x4 weeks]


Fifth Grade Celebration Committee: This committee is filled by families of 5th graders and helps coordinate with 5th grade teachers to provide a celebration for the graduating 5th grade class, along with the 5th grade teachers. Decorate, provide food, activities and a photo slideshow. [Commitment = 2-6 hours over 2-4 weeks]


🌙Financial Review Committee (need 2 or more people): Meet with the Treasurer to provide an annual Financial Review of the PTA’s ‘books’. Use the Washington State PTA’s financial review checklist to review the PTA’s financial related documents, including Meeting Minutes, Standing Rules, any additional policies (such as money handling, password updates, etc.), bank statements, reconciliation reports, treasurer’s reports, expenses, etc. Submit the checklist, which includes recommendations, to the board. [Commitment = 2 hours on 1 evening]


Fun Run: Help plan, organize, and run an event for students and families. The event can include a run, obstacle course, or other activities, and is a possible fundraising event. [Commitment = 10 hours over 2 weeks]


Fundraising Committee: Members of this committee help provide fundraising activities for the PTA, which recently includes a Fall Fund Drive, Ditch the Kitchen events, Bear Hugs, and a social fundraiser. If needed, committee members may volunteer to help with individual events based on their availability. The VP of Fundraising chairs the committee. (Previously, an annual auction was held; work included setting up a website, gather donations, organize the auction location/food/etc.) [Commitment varies = 1 to 4 hours/week, intermittent throughout year]


Garden: Volunteers are responsible for seasonal maintenance of our school garden, managing the general garden planting schedule and work party organization. Other duties include tool and equipment procurement/maintenance, seed ordering and assisting staff with planning and organizing seasonal planting/harvesting student activities. This committee works closely with and provides support to the school principal, teachers, and staff so they can use the garden as a learning and enrichment tool for our students. [Commitment varies = 1 to 2 hours/week, seasonal]


Hospitality Committee: This is a fun position and a great way to be involved with the PTA and meet other families. [Commitment varies = 1-2 hours/month, 4+ hours for Staff Appreciation] The main functions are to:

  • Staff the Ice Cream Social during supply drop-off the day before school to welcome returning and new students and families to Pioneer, and promote & explain Pioneer PTA activities to families.
  • Host the 1st day of school "Boo Hoo/Woo Hoo" table in front of the school by welcoming and serving pastries and coffee to families as they drop off their kids; promote & explain Pioneer PTA activities to families
  • Coordinate fundraising and events for Teacher & Staff Appreciation Week in the spring.
  • Provide refreshments at monthly PTA meetings, and other events as requested.


🌙Legislative Liaison#: Provides updates to keep the Pioneer PTA informed of advocacy efforts by the WSPTA in the state legislature. This person can also serve as the Pioneer PTA representative at the WSPTA Legislative Assembly and help to determine advocacy objectives at the state level. The Legislative liaison may also serve as a link between the OSD School Board and the Pioneer PTA. [Commitment = 1 hour every 2 weeks, during session]


Membership Chair#: Starting in August, promote PTA membership. From Sept-Oct/Nov, this position sends PTA information with a membership form home in folders 2-3 times, collects & deposits membership payments from the PTA safe in the school office, records memberships in an Excel worksheet as well as in PTA online database, and keeps track of overall membership. [Commitment = 2 hours/week, during fall]


Movie Night: Host movie nights in the Pioneer gym, currently held monthly. Committee members help promote events, select movies, set up & run the concession stand. The Committee Chair coordinates purchase of movie license through WSPTA annually, and arranges start-up cash and/or electronic payment for the concessions. Previous events included organizing a night at the Skyline Drive-in Movie Theater (book the venue, select the movie to watch, and sell tickets or taking donations at the entrance to the drive-in). [Commitment = 3 hours/movie event]


🌙Newsletter: Requests and collects monthly newsletter submissions. Edits content in collaboration with president, then make copies in the office to send home in student folders and also emails electronic version to PTA member listserve. [Commitment = 4-5 hours during 1 week, monthly]


🌙Nominating Committee (need 3 people total): This committee is required by Washington State PTA. The role of the committee is to identify candidates for the next school year’s PTA positions. [Commitment = 1 hour/week, x8 weeks in spring] Responsibilities include:

  • Emailing current board members and committees to ask if they are interested in continuing in a current role and/or what position(s) they are interested in.
  • Identify and contact additional PTA members to fill vacant positions.
  • Submit a slate of proposed candidates prior to the May PTA meeting

Olympia Junior Programs: Work with school office staff and OJP contact to coordinate 2-3 Spring dates and collect payments for students to attend subsidized performances at the WA Center for Performing Arts downtown. Advertise with flyers in school folders, deposit cash payments collected, recruit & inform volunteer ushers. [Commitment = 2-3 hours/week, x4 weeks divided into 2 sessions in spring]


Passport Club (World Geography and Culture): Volunteer works with teachers to help students learn geography and world culture. Leads pre-determined passport check days that occur once a month. {Last offered pre-pandemic; PTA has supplies} [Commitment = 3-4 hours/month] Duties include:

  • Order materials through Passport Club online and distribute passports to participating students.
  • Coordinate with librarian to procure and return books of countries studied monthly; may obtain books to borrow from Timberland Regional Library as well.
  • Photocopy maps for teachers and distribute stamps to students monthly.
  • Copy monthly documents and swap out supplies in the passport club totes found in the library.
  • Coordinate with volunteers for each monthly passport check to quiz students on what they learned.
  • Organize prizes for monthly passport check raffle.

President*#: The president is the main representative and spokesperson for the PTA. They work with the secretary to create the agenda for meetings and then run the meetings. The president communicates regularly with the board and committee chairs as well as the school principal. The president is responsible for ensuring the PTA follows the Standards of Affiliation of the Washington State PTA (WSPTA) and Pioneer PTA’s Standing Rules. The Olympia School District holds parent leader training meetings quarterly during the school year that the president or another board member may attend. [Commitment = 2 to 3 hours/week, year-round]


School Play: Work with Apple Tree Productions staff to select dates, reserve rehearsal and production space dates (4 weeks) through OSD. Advertise play enrollment to students (approx. 50 students, grades 2/3-5). Coordinate volunteers to serve as daily rehearsal chaperones & performance day volunteers, including concessions, ticket sales and cast party. [Commitment = 2 to 3 hours/week, 6 weeks]


School Principal#: The school principal helps provide context and information about school programs and helps figure out how proposed ideas could be implemented.


Science Technology Engineering and Math (STEM) Enrichment Committee: Volunteers can work with teachers, the school principal, vendors, and other committee members to schedule after school STEM activities. STEM is an increasingly important field as many of the jobs available today are STEM-related. Exposing our children early to these opportunities is critical. There are budget management and program management responsibilities, which vary by activity. {Last offered pre-pandemic; PTA has LEGO engineering kits} [Commitment varies by activity, ~3-4 hours/month]


🌙Vice President, Fundraising*#: Leads the Fundraising Committee (see description above) and serves on the Board. [Commitment = 1 to 3 hours/week, intermittent / year-round]


🌙Secretary*#: Primary role is taking minutes at Board and Membership meetings. Collaborate with the President to put together the meeting agendas. Keeps a binder of records including Treasurer reports, membership reports, agendas, minutes, and sign in sheets from past meetings. . [Commitment = 2 to 3 hours/ month]


🌙Social Media: Collaborates with most other positions to create and schedule posts on the Pioneer PTA social media pages for PTA activities, social events, and other Pioneer and PTA school-related information. . [Commitment = 1 hour/week]


🌙Spirit Wear: Work with a vendor to design, select, order and fulfill Spirit Wear for Pioneer students. Update online orders and copy order forms on flyers to distribute in student folders. [Commitment = 3 hours/week x3 weeks]


Talent Show: Organize an event to be held mid-school year which can be done live or virtually. Works with the school to select a date for the show and prepare flyers to advertise the event. When done live, the committee leads practices, coordinates technical elements (sound, lights, and other performer needs), and works with teachers to find students to serve as stage hands and master of ceremonies (MC). When done virtually, collect and put video clips together students have made. {Last offered as a live show pre-pandemic} [Commitment varies by format]


Teachers# (selected by the faculty in the fall): Two teachers are selected by school faculty each fall to provide context and information about school programs and help figure out how proposed ideas could be implemented.


Track Stars: Oversees program to promote physical activity on the playground & track. With assistance from recess staff, students track their laps & miles on a punch card. After various milestones, students earn award certificates of achievement, have their names put on a bulletin board, and are honored at school assemblies. PTA volunteer provides the supplies needed for the program (punch cards, chain necklace, plastic necklace charms, certificates), tallies completed student track cards monthly and prepares awards for recognition. May choose to supplement with events such as “Race the Grownups”. [Commitment = 1-2 hours/month]


🌙Treasurer*#: The treasurer is the authorized custodian to manage the funds of the PTA on behalf of the PTA membership and Board of Directors. Provides monthly reports and updates on the budget to the board and membership, receives and pays invoices, and prepares tax documents and filings. The treasurer also serves as Chair of the Grants committee. [Commitment = 1 hour/week]      Specific duties and responsibilities include:

  • Keep an accurate and detailed account of all funds received and disbursed.
  • Pay all authorized financial obligations of the PTA, including membership dues and fees owed to a council.
  • Develop and present the budget for the following year.
  • Maintain all receipts, invoices, bank statements, cancelled checks, and other financial records as specified.
  • Ensure that appropriate and adequate insurance is purchased for the PTA.

🌙Vice President, Programs*#: Work with the principal, teachers, and the school district to plan supplementary school programs which may include assembly presentations, guest speakers, and special events. May work with the other enrichment committees, such as Arts, Garden, and Talent Show. [Commitment = 1-2 hours/month]


🌙Volunteer Coordinator#: Helps match available volunteers with PTA events and positions. Can support other committees to find individuals for various events that need to be filled. [Commitment = 1-2 hours/month]


Walk N Roll: Promote healthy habits for kids to get to school, working in partnership with the InterCity Transit agency program. Monthly events include stationing volunteers at meet-up points, walking/biking/etc to school and activities or treats that reward and reinforce good traffic safety skills. [Commitment = 1 hour once per month]


🌙Website Manager: Keeps the PTA website up-to-date. Primary responsibilities include maintaining the homepage and the calendar; may collaborate with other positions to update info on other pages as need. [Commitment = 1 hour every 2 weeks]


🌙Yearbook Committee: Take and collect pictures from school events and programs through PTA contacts, school staff contacts and parents. Representative from each grade helps to collect class pictures and information from school staff, and ensure representation of all students. Committee Chair works with publisher to establish contract and deadlines, and arranges for collection of payments and distribution of yearbooks. [Commitment = 1 hour/week in Spring]



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