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Here is an additional summary of relevant bills from the recent 2024 Session provided by our volunteer Legislative Liaison, Pioneer parent Micah Matthews:


ESHB 1228: Dual Language Programs (Passed, Awaiting Governor’s Signature)
  • Creates grant programs for establishing or expanding dual language and tribal language education programs, subject to appropriation.

  • Requires literacy supports in service of American Indian and Alaska Native students.

  • Modifies requirements related to the seal of biliteracy and the Transitional Bilingual Instruction Program.

  • Requires various agency reports from the Office of the Superintendent of Public Instruction, the Professional Educator Standards Board, and the Paraeducator board on specified topics.

E4SHB 1239: Establishing a Uniform Complaint System (Passed out of House & Senate 2/29/24)
  • Directs the Office of the Education Ombuds to create a simple and uniform access point for the receipt of complaints involving the elementary and secondary education system.

  • Requires the Professional Educator Standards Board and the Paraeducator Board to report to the Legislature on a code of educator ethics.

  • Modifies the defense for use of force on children with respect to teachers and other school staff.

E2SHB 1368: Zero Emission School Busses (On Senate floor, placed on 3rd reading 3/1/24)
  • Requires the Department of Ecology to administer the Zero-Emission School Bus Grant Program, and prioritize grants to districts serving communities highly impacted by air pollution and with buses manufactured prior to 2007.

  • Provides that once the total cost of ownership of zero emission school buses is at or below the total cost of ownership of diesel school buses, school districts may only receive reimbursement for the purchase of zero emission school buses and may only contract with pupil transportation service providers that use zero emission school buses to transport students for the district, with some exceptions.

  • Requires OSPI to survey school districts about the adoption of zero- emission school buses.

ESHB 2331: Public School Materials (Passed, Awaiting Governor’s signature)
  • Requires school district Instructional Materials Committees to include at least one parent member.

  • Directs the Instructional Materials Committee to include recommendations for culturally and experientially representative instructional materials.

  • Prohibits school districts, charter schools, and state-tribal education compact schools from refusing to approve or prohibit the use of any instructional or supplemental instructional material on the basis that it relates to or includes the study of the role and contributions of any individual or group who is part of a protected class unless the content contains discriminatory bias.

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