Welcome to Pioneer Elementary School's PTA!
ABOUT US: The Pioneer PTA is a family-driven volunteer organization dedicated to the social and academic enrichment of each and every student at Pioneer Elementary School.
The PTA works closely with the principal, staff, families, and wider community to provide financial and volunteer support for a wide variety of programs and activities around these main goals:
Promote family involvement
Build a strong school community through educational programs and family events
Provide funding and volunteer support for academic enrichment activities
In addition to meetings, we have several other ways to connect and communicate with you:
- News on the PTA homepage: Get updates on our homepage. This is a quick view for current activities or events that are happening soon.
- Newsletter: A newsletter is sent monthly in student folders.
- Facebook and Instagram: Frequent updates and reminders.
We support events and activities that bring staff, families, and the community together for child enrichment through:
Extracurricular programs that boost education opportunities in the classroom
After-school activities for the Pioneer community
Funds for classroom start-up, field trip support, and classroom grants
For more information, please visit our FAQ page.
Questions? Email president@pioneerpta.com
Upcoming Events
- Thursday, January 30
- Wednesday, February 12
- Thursday, February 20
- Friday, February 21
- Friday, February 28
- Tuesday, March 11
- Wednesday, March 12
Scan Box Tops purchases!
Easily earn money for PTA by scanning eligible products with your mobile device. Download the app to get started.